
Build and manage your website

Build and manage your website

Build and manage your website1 Build and manage your website2 Step 1: Selecting a Domain Name and URL3 Step 2: Establishing a Domain-Name Email Address4 Step 3: Crafting a Well-Designed…
dedicated cloud hosting

What is cPanel hosting?

What is cPanel hosting?1 What is cPanel hosting?2 Understanding cPanel: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Usage Guidelines3 cPanel Tutorial: A Guide to Utilizing cPanel4 Email addresses4.1 5 FILE MANAGER and Databases6 File…

The Best WordPress Plugins

The Best WordPress Essential Plugins1 The Best WordPress Essential Plugins2 1. Duplicator3 2. WP Mail SMTP4 3. SearchWP5 4. WPCode6 5. WooCommerce7 6. Yoast SEO7.1 Highlighted Features8 7. ShortPixel9 8.…

How to use the WordPress Dashboard

How to Use the WordPress Dashboard1 How to Use the WordPress Dashboard2 Logging in to the WordPress Dashboard3 Understanding the WordPress Dashboard3.1 Dashboard Home3.2 Posts3.3 Pages3.4 Media3.5 Comments3.6 Appearance3.7 Plugins3.8…