VMware Cloud Hosting

How to install WAMP

This tutorial will show you how to install your own local development environment If you are a web developer building PHP/MySQL powered sites, the ultimate scenario is to test your…
phpBB Forum Hosting

Installing phpBB3

This tutorial will show you the steps for installing phpBB3 phpBB3 is a major upgrade from phpBB2, with hundreds of new features and tweaks. It is faster, more secure, and…
VMware Cloud Hosting

Features of PHP5

This tutorial will explain the new features of PHP5 PHP (PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor) was designed to create dynamic web pages, PHP’s principal focus is server-side scripting. While running the PHP parser…
VMware Cloud Hosting

MySQL and phpMyAdmin

This page provides various guides and resources on using MySQL and phpMyAdmin The MySQL option in your control panel automates MySQL. The following information will assist you in using and…
VMware Cloud Hosting

Banned PHP Scripts

This tutorial will discuss the banned PHP Scripts that are not supported by FASTDOT The following scripts are banned due to these scripts causing harm to other sites on the…