Server Management

dedicated cloud hosting

CloudLinux Hosting

CloudLinux Hosting FASTDOT utilizes CloudLinux Hosting on our shared web-hosting environments to improve the stability, performance and security of our CloudLinux server cluster. Speedy Performance Typically, a shared hosting environment…
VMware Cloud Hosting


CentOS is the most popular webserver Linux distribution, running on approximately 30% of machines at a given time. Standing for: Community ENTerprise Operating System and based on Red Hat (Enterprise)…

cPanel Hosting Control Panel

cPanel and WHM for Dedicated Servers is a simple, elegant and intuitive GUI to manage your server, users, mail, website, statistics and more! cPanel Hosting Control Panel is a state…
VMware Cloud Hosting

What is ModSecurity?

What is ModSecurity? ModSecurity is a web application firewall module designed for use with Apache web servers. It provides an increased level of server security by protecting the server from…