.CENTER Domain Name Registration

.CENTER Domain

.CENTER Domain Name Registration

The new .CENTER gTLD domain will offer centers around the world an easier way create their online presence. This domain can be used for conference centers, shopping centers, or by any entity for any reason, making it one of the most flexible TLDs.

.CENTER provides a domain name space that is both recognizable and relevant allowing organizations, businesses, and groups that use “center” to describe themselves more appropriately online.

Register your Domain Name today!


.CENTER Domain InformationDomain Features
DescriptionCommercialAuto Renewal
Registration Period1 yearOnline Control Panel
Annual Price$59.95Basic DNS Management
Instant ActivationAdvanced DNS Management ($15/y) *

Unleash the Power of Your Online Presence with .CENTER Domain Name Registration

In today’s digital landscape, establishing a strong and memorable online presence is key to success. Every business, organization, or individual strives to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression. That’s where the .CENTER domain extension comes into play – a game-changing opportunity to amplify your online identity and command attention in your industry.

The .CENTER domain name registration opens a world of possibilities for businesses and individuals who want to position themselves as a hub of excellence, a central resource, or a focal point in their respective fields. With its versatility and inherent meaning, the .CENTER extension allows you to forge a unique online brand that resonates with your target audience and leaves a lasting impression.

Why choose a .CENTER domain? Let us delve into the key reasons why this distinctive extension deserves your attention:

1. Be the Hub of Excellence: A .CENTER domain instantly communicates that you are the center of excellence in your industry. Whether you are a research center, an educational institution, a community hub, or a professional service provider, the .CENTER domain encapsulates your commitment to being at the forefront of innovation, knowledge, and expertise.

2. Establish Your Authority: With a .CENTER domain, you can assert your position as a trusted authority in your field. It empowers you to share valuable insights, thought leadership, and industry-specific resources, positioning you as the go-to destination for information, guidance, and collaboration.

3. Enhanced Brand Recall: The .CENTER extension injects memorability into your online presence. It adds a distinctive touch to your brand, making it more likely to stick in the minds of potential customers, clients, or visitors. When they think of your industry or niche, your .CENTER domain will be the first that comes to mind.

4. Increased Visibility: Registering a .CENTER domain gives you a competitive edge in the digital realm. As search engines and internet users increasingly embrace new domain extensions, having a .CENTER domain can boost your visibility and make you more discoverable among a sea of generic domain names. Stand out, rise above the noise, and capture the attention your brand deserves.

5. Endless Possibilities: The .CENTER domain extension offers incredible flexibility. Regardless of your industry or niche, you can create a domain name that aligns perfectly with your brand, be it YourBrandName.CENTER, ExpertiseIn.FIELD.CENTER, or CommunityName.CENTER. The possibilities are endless, allowing you to craft a domain name that reflects your unique identity and value proposition.

The time is ripe to seize the opportunity and secure your .CENTER domain. Establish yourself as the epicenter of excellence, innovation, and influence within your industry. With a .CENTER domain name, you can elevate your online presence, captivate your target audience, and carve out a distinct space in the digital landscape.

Don’t let your brand get lost in the chaos. Register your .CENTER domain today and position yourself at the heart of your industry, where greatness thrives and success knows no bounds.

Why is it important to find the right domain for your business website

Finding the right domain for your business website is important for several reasons:

1. Brand Identity: Your domain name is an essential part of your brand identity. It represents your business online and is often the first thing people see and remember about your website. A well-chosen domain name can convey your brand’s personality, values, and professionalism, helping to create a strong and memorable brand image.

2. Credibility and Trust: A professional and relevant domain name can instill trust and credibility in your website visitors. A well-established domain name that matches your business name or industry can make your website appear more legitimate and reliable to potential customers.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Choosing a domain name that includes relevant keywords or your business name can contribute to better search engine rankings. Search engines often consider the domain name as a ranking factor, and having keywords in your domain can improve your website’s visibility and organic search performance.

4. Memorability and User Experience: A memorable domain name is easier for people to remember and revisit. A domain that is short, simple, and easy to spell and pronounce can enhance user experience and encourage repeat visits to your website.

5. Competitive Advantage: Having a unique and distinctive domain name can help differentiate your business from competitors. It allows you to stand out in your industry and make a lasting impression on your target audience.

6. Future Scalability and Flexibility: Selecting a domain name that aligns with your long-term business goals and is not too limiting can offer flexibility as your business expands or evolves. It enables you to add new products, services, or locations without the need for significant changes to your domain.

It’s important to carefully consider your domain name choice and ensure it aligns with your brand, target audience, and overall business strategy. A well-chosen domain can have a significant impact on your online presence, branding, and overall success.


Your perfect domain name is waiting!

Search our huge portfolio for more domain name extensions and pricing below
domain name extensions

Classic Domain Names

.COM | .AU | .CO | .NET | .BIZ | .ME | .EU | .ASIA | .TV | .MOBI | .NAME | .INFO | .ORG | .US | .NL| .FM | .HK | .ES | .CO.NZ | .DE | .CO.UK | .RU | .IM | .PM | .TW | .FR | .CN | .CA | .CH | .VN | .PL | .IL | .JP | .KR |

Domain Names General FAQ

You can manage your domain names via the FASTDOT Client Area. Once you have logged in, click on My Domains > Managed Domains.
The FASTDOT name server are:

You can view your domain expiry date within the Client Area. Click on My Domains > Manage Domains. You will see a list of your current domains along with their next due date.
By default we will renew your domain name automatically. Alternatively, you can manually renew your domain name in your Client Area
If your domain name has already expired, just contact us via the helpdesk to renew it. If your domain name is not renewed quickly it may be come available and be registered by another party.
By default, we will renew your domain name automatically. If you wish to manage your domain name renewals manually you can disable automatic renewal by logging in to the Client Area and then:Select “Domains” and then “My Domains” from the top navigation bar. Select the “Manage Domain” button to the right of the domain name you would like to view or modify. Click on the “Auto Renew” tab. Ensure that “Auto Renewal Status” has been set to “Disabled”.Please note: by disabling automatic renewal, you are assuming responsibility to renew your domain name. Failure to renew your domain name before its expiry date will cause it to stop working.
Login to your Client Area using the username and password issued with your Welcome Email you received at sign up.Once logged in, select “Domains” and then “My Domains” from the top navigation bar. Select the “Manage Domain” button to the right of the domain name you would like to view or modify. Click on the “Registrar Lock” tab. Ensure that “Registrar Lock Status” has been set to “Disabled”. If the current status is set to “Enabled” then please click on “Disable Registrar Lock”. Select the “Namesevers” tab, then on the following screen to modify the current nameserver settings. Select the “Change Nameservers” button to confirm your new nameserver settings.
You can manage your domain names public WHOIS contact information by logging into your FASTDOT Client Area:Select “Domains” and then “My Domains”. Click on the “Manage Domain” button for the domain you wish to manage. Click on the “Registrar Lock” tab. Ensure that “Registrar Lock Status” has been set to “Disabled”. If the current status is set to “Enabled” then please click on “Disable Registrar Lock”. On the same screen select “Management Tools” and then “Contact Information”. From here you can update the domain name with pertinent contact details for your website including details for the registrant, admin, tech & billing identities. Select the “Save Changes” button to confirm the new contact details.
.au Domain Administration Ltd (.auDA) is the policy authority and industry self-regulatory body for the .au domain space. They are responsible for developing and implementing domain name policy, accrediting and licensing domain registrars, implementing consumer safeguards and facilitating the .au Dispute Resolution Policy. Learn more.
WHOIS is a tool used to search the domain registry databases for information about a domain name. This tool can be used to obtain information such as the domain’s expiry date, owner and name server information.
Domain Names are used to establish a unique identity. Organizations and individuals can choose a domain name that corresponds to their name, helping Internet users to reach them easily.An important function of a domain name is to provide easily recognizable and memorizable names to numerically addressed Internet resources.