.CO.NZ Domain Names

.CO.NZ Domain Names

NZ Domain Names
The most popular domain name for New Zealand businesses and individuals.

Worldwide, the co.nz domain name is one of the fastest growing ccTLD’s. With over 516,456 active domains in 2012 and registrations spanning the globe, businesses and individuals are registering their co.nz domain names to unleash their potential in the NZ market and secure their brand identities.

co.nz is often the first preference in domain selection. This domain is especially suited to New Zealand organisations such as clubs, charities and not-for-profits. A great name for New Zealand based groups and networks, although anyone can register this domain.


The short .NZ domain name is simple to use and easy to remember. It was released on 30 September 2014 and amongst the other NZ domain extensions is the newest. The chances that you can still register your favourite domain name are high.

A good option is to register the shorter .nz domain name if your favourite third level domain eg. yourname.co.nz is already taken. If you already have a third level domain you should consider registering the shorter version as well to increase your visibility and to protect your brand name.


Register your Domain Name today!



.co.nz Domain InformationDomain Features
DescriptionCommercialAuto Renewal
Registration Period1 yearOnline Control Panel
Annual Price$35.00Basic DNS Management
Instant ActivationAdvanced DNS Management ($15/y) *

Embrace the New Zealand Market with .CO.NZ Domain Names

When it comes to establishing a strong online presence in New Zealand, the .CO.NZ domain extension is your gateway to success. Designed specifically for businesses, organizations, and individuals targeting the New Zealand market, .CO.NZ offers numerous advantages that can elevate your brand, enhance your credibility, and expand your reach within this dynamic economy.

Why choose a .CO.NZ domain? Let’s explore the key benefits and reasons why registering a .CO.NZ domain is a strategic move for your online presence:

1. Geographic Relevance: The .CO.NZ extension immediately signifies your connection to New Zealand. Whether you’re a local business serving customers within New Zealand or an international company expanding into the New Zealand market, a .CO.NZ domain demonstrates your commitment to this specific geographic region. It helps build trust and relevance among New Zealand consumers and strengthens your local identity.

2. Establish Trust and Credibility: New Zealand internet users are familiar with the .CO.NZ domain, considering it the default choice for local businesses and organizations. By choosing this domain, you tap into this recognition and instantly establish trust and credibility. Visitors to your website will recognize that you are local and that your brand understands their needs and preferences.

3. Improve Search Engine Visibility: Search engines often prioritize country-specific domain extensions for location-specific searches. By opting for a .CO.NZ domain, you increase your chances of appearing prominently in search results when users in New Zealand search for relevant products, services, or information. This can significantly boost your online visibility and attract targeted organic traffic from New Zealand-based users.

4. Localized Targeting: The .CO.NZ domain allows you to specifically target the New Zealand market. It helps you tailor your online presence and marketing efforts to resonate with New Zealand consumers. This localized approach enhances your ability to connect with your target audience, resulting in higher engagement and increased conversion rates.

5. Availability and Brand Protection: The .CO.NZ domain has been available for registration for many years, making it a mature and reliable option. While other popular domains may have been registered, there is still a wide range of desirable .CO.NZ  available. Securing a .CO.NZ allows you to protect your brand, prevent potential competitors from acquiring similar domains, and maintain a consistent online identity in the New Zealand market.

6. Showcase New Zealand Identity: By using a .CO.NZ domain, you can showcase your affiliation with New Zealand and align your brand with the values and culture of this vibrant country. It allows you to tap into the unique identity and market potential that New Zealand offers, setting you apart from generic domain extensions and positioning your brand as a local favorite.

Maximize your potential in the New Zealand market with a .CO.NZ domain. Whether you’re a local business, an international brand expanding into New Zealand, or an individual targeting the New Zealand audience, .CO.NZ is your key to success. Register this domain extension today and unlock the full potential of the New Zealand market, where endless opportunities await your online presence.


Your perfect domain name is waiting!

Search our huge portfolio for more domain name extensions and pricing below
domain name extensions

Classic Domain Names

.COM | .AU | .CO | .NET | .BIZ | .ME | .EU | .ASIA | .TV | .MOBI | .NAME | .INFO | .ORG | .US | .NL| .FM | .HK | .ES | .CO.NZ | .DE | .CO.UK | .RU | .IM | .PM | .TW | .FR | .CN | .CA | .CH | .VN | .PL | .IL | .JP | .KR |

Domain Names General FAQ

You can manage your domain names via the FASTDOT Client Area. Once you have logged in, click on My Domains > Managed Domains.
The FASTDOT name server are:

You can view your domain expiry date within the Client Area. Click on My Domains > Manage Domains. You will see a list of your current domains along with their next due date.
By default we will renew your domain name automatically. Alternatively, you can manually renew your domain name in your Client Area
If your domain name has already expired, just contact us via the helpdesk to renew it. If your domain name is not renewed quickly it may be come available and be registered by another party.
By default, we will renew your domain name automatically. If you wish to manage your domain name renewals manually you can disable automatic renewal by logging in to the Client Area and then:Select “Domains” and then “My Domains” from the top navigation bar. Select the “Manage Domain” button to the right of the domain name you would like to view or modify. Click on the “Auto Renew” tab. Ensure that “Auto Renewal Status” has been set to “Disabled”.Please note: by disabling automatic renewal, you are assuming responsibility to renew your domain name. Failure to renew your domain name before its expiry date will cause it to stop working.
Login to your Client Area using the username and password issued with your Welcome Email you received at sign up.Once logged in, select “Domains” and then “My Domains” from the top navigation bar. Select the “Manage Domain” button to the right of the domain name you would like to view or modify. Click on the “Registrar Lock” tab. Ensure that “Registrar Lock Status” has been set to “Disabled”. If the current status is set to “Enabled” then please click on “Disable Registrar Lock”. Select the “Namesevers” tab, then on the following screen to modify the current nameserver settings. Select the “Change Nameservers” button to confirm your new nameserver settings.
You can manage your domain names public WHOIS contact information by logging into your FASTDOT Client Area:Select “Domains” and then “My Domains”. Click on the “Manage Domain” button for the domain you wish to manage. Click on the “Registrar Lock” tab. Ensure that “Registrar Lock Status” has been set to “Disabled”. If the current status is set to “Enabled” then please click on “Disable Registrar Lock”. On the same screen select “Management Tools” and then “Contact Information”. From here you can update the domain name with pertinent contact details for your website including details for the registrant, admin, tech & billing identities. Select the “Save Changes” button to confirm the new contact details.
.au Domain Administration Ltd (.auDA) is the policy authority and industry self-regulatory body for the .au domain space. They are responsible for developing and implementing domain name policy, accrediting and licensing domain registrars, implementing consumer safeguards and facilitating the .au Dispute Resolution Policy. Learn more.
WHOIS is a tool used to search the domain registry databases for information about a domain name. This tool can be used to obtain information such as the domain’s expiry date, owner and name server information.
Domain Names are used to establish a unique identity. Organizations and individuals can choose a domain name that corresponds to their name, helping Internet users to reach them easily.An important function of a domain name is to provide easily recognizable and memorizable names to numerically addressed Internet resources.