Concrete5 Hosting

Concrete5 Hosting

Concrete5 Hosting

Concrete5 CMS is a content management system that allows you to deploy web applications, websites, stores and forums and easily manage their content and site structure. concrete5 powers hundreds of thousands of sites around the world.

Concrete5 Hosting makes running a website easy. Go to any page in your site, and a editing toolbar gives you all the controls you need to update your website. No intimidating manuals, no complicated administration interfaces – just point and click.

concrete5 hosting

Why Concrete5 Hosting?

Concrete5 has proved to be a well-rounded CMS, working for just about anyone. So if you’re a site editor, website developer or designer, it’ll be sure to suit your requirements:

  • Site Editors – When your website is built with Concrete5, you easily change content from anywhere in the world.
  • Web Developers – Concrete5 is a free open source content management system written in PHP.
  • Web Designers – Templating Concrete5 is a breeze. With a few lines of code your designs will be editable in minutes.

What can I build with Concrete5?

Concrete5 Hosting allows you to build for any audience; whether you’re creating for a large-scale enterprise, small business, individual or personal portfolio, Concrete5 is the perfect choice:

  • Online magazines and newspapers.
  • eCommerce sites.
  • Extranets and Intranets.
  • Government web sites.
  • Small business web sites.
  • Non-profit and organization web sites.

concrete5 hosting

How does Concrete5 Hosting Compare to other CMS’?

We asked the same question, how does Concrete5 stack up against the other popular Content Management Systems. From their website, Concrete5 mentions:

Building and running a website are two very different challenges. Certainly, one person may wear both hats, but the process of launching a great website is far different from running a great website over time. concrete5 lets you do both: build and run great websites. Most other content management systems are built for one side of the equation or the other.

Many CMS’s were designed by developers, for developers. Building and maintaining a site with them can be pretty complex and intimidating for someone who can’t program computers. The end editing experience works, but to make even basic content changes you’re typically working with long web forms in a “back-end.” Adding new functionality is something you’ll need some technical know-how to pull off. Imagine having to call a consultant every time you wanted to write a new Word document. How useful is that to your business?

Conversely, there’s a number of solutions that are geared for the DIY market. Typically starting as a blog, these sites get added to and added to over time until they fall apart. Imagine being told your document was always going to have a cover page, a table of contents, and an index – no matter how simple you wanted it to be. Sure it’s great you can get started quickly, but if you want to do much more than what these systems were designed for like using a hammer to drive screws.

With concrete5, you get the best of both worlds. Anyone can start making their own website in seconds, and the editing experience is easy; just click on what you want to change. Developers still get a flexible and robust framework for building sophisticated web applications. With concrete5, however, site owners will be able to make changes and additions on their own, for years to come.


100% Concrete5 Compatability

FASTDOT supports all the Concrete5 server requirements, and more! We’ve even increased the memory limit to deliver optimal Concrete5 performance!

  • PHP 5.2.4 or greater (PHP >= 5.3 recommended)
  • PHP Modules: CURL, zip, mcrypt, openssl, GD (with freetype), mysql, mbstring, iconv (iconv needed for Zend Locale)
  • PHP settings (primarily for file uploads) post_max_upload_filesize = 20, post_max_size = 20, php memory limit to 64 (More may be needed for memory intensive operations, such as upgrading.)
  • PHP Safe Mode Off
  • MySQL 5.x or higher.
  • Apache/IIS (Apache recommended)

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