cPanel is excited to now be added to the Microsoft Azure® Marketplace. The complications involved in a manual cPanel install have been removed and the overall process greatly simplified; deploying cPanel & WHM on Microsoft Azure has never been easier!
Microsoft Azure offers cloud services to help your business or organization get on the cloud quickly with the freedom to build, manage, and deploy applications with your favorite tools such as cPanel & WHM. In this article, we will showcase cPanel & WHM’s streamlined setup on Microsoft Azure.
To get started with cPanel on Microsoft Azure, we need to do a simple pre-flight check:
Getting Started with Microsoft Azure and cPanel:
First, you will need to sign in to your account or set up a free account on Microsoft Azure.

Once you have set up your account, visit the Microsoft Azure Marketplace cPanel & WHM App listing and click the GET NOW button.

Next, select the CONTINUE button to create the cPanel & WHM Application in Azure.

Creating an Azure Virtual Machine
Once you have signed up and started creating the cPanel Application, you will need to configure the Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine. Azure has Basic, Disk (Storage), Networking, Management, Advanced, and Tag options.

With your Virtual Machine now configured, select the Review & Create tab.

After reviewing your configuration options, select the Review & Create Button at the bottom of the page. You will then be prompted with a Pop-up to generate a new key pair. Select Download private key and create resource.

While the Virtual Machine installs, make sure to place the downloaded private key in a safe and secure place as you will not be able to download it again. Depending on how you have configured your Virtual Machine, it could take a few minutes to finish the deployment.

When the deployment is complete, Azure has several recommended next steps. Once you have reviewed the recommended options, click Go to resource, and you will be taken to your new Virtual Machine with cPanel & WHM installed!

We hope you are as excited as we are about the new Microsoft Azure cPanel & WHM Application. cPanel will continue to work with Microsoft to bring your favorite software and integrations into the cloud!
Deploying cPanel & WHM on Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that allows you to build, test, deploy, and manage applications and services using Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure. cPanel & WHM (Web Host Manager) is a popular web hosting control panel that simplifies website and server management. Combining both can offer a robust cloud infrastructure for your web hosting needs.
Let’s dive into a step-by-step guide on deploying cPanel & WHM on Microsoft Azure:
1. Create a Microsoft Azure Account: Before you can deploy anything on Azure, you need an active Azure account. If you don’t have one, sign up for a free account or log in if you already possess one.
2. Navigate to the Azure Portal: Once logged in, head to the Azure Portal dashboard.
3. Create a Virtual Machine (VM):
- Go to the “Virtual Machines” section and click on “Add”.
- Fill in the necessary details for your VM, like the subscription, resource group, and VM name.
- Choose a region close to your primary audience to optimize speed.
- For the image, select CentOS (as cPanel & WHM works best with CentOS).
- Choose a suitable VM size depending on your budget and requirements.
- Under “Administrator Account”, set a username and password or use an SSH public key for added security.
4. Networking Settings:
- Open ports 22 (SSH), 2086, and 2087 (WHM), 2082 and 2083 (cPanel), and 80 & 443 (HTTP & HTTPS) to ensure that you can access WHM, cPanel, and your hosted sites.
5. Finalize VM Configuration and Deployment:
- Review additional settings based on your needs, including disks, monitoring, and advanced features.
- Click “Review + create” and then “Create” once you’ve verified your selections.
6. Install cPanel & WHM:
- Once the VM is up, connect to it using SSH.
- Before installing cPanel & WHM, ensure your system is up-to-date using:sql
sudo yum update -y
- Then, download and install cPanel & WHM:bash
cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest
7. Access WHM:
- After the installation completes, open your browser and navigate to:arduino
- Log in using the username “root” and the password you set during the VM creation process.
8. Initial Setup of WHM:
- Complete the WHM setup wizard, which involves setting your hostname, configuring DNS settings, and other necessary configurations.
9. Configure Additional WHM & cPanel Settings:
- Set up account packages, feature lists, and other settings based on your hosting needs.
- You can then create cPanel accounts for hosting individual websites.
10. Regular Maintenance:
- Regularly update your cPanel & WHM.
- Monitor your Azure resources and adjust as necessary.
Deploying cPanel & WHM on Microsoft Azure offers flexibility, scalability, and the reliability of Azure’s infrastructure. Ensure you regularly back up your data, monitor server health, and update cPanel & WHM for a smooth hosting experience.