Domain Name Registration Process

There are five (5) steps to follow to register a Domain Name:

  1. Search for a Domain Name. If it is available confirm intention to register.
  2. Select the registration term, and provide your contact details and DNS information.
  3. Review the information for correctness.
  4. Agree to the Service Agreement.
  5. Provide payment information and submit your request.

Please also take the time to check out the following ICANN Document: Your rights and responsibilities as a registrant


How to Register Your Own Domain Name

If you have a web site, you should seriously consider registering your own domain name. Note that you do not have to be a company or organisation (“organization” if you use a different variant of English) to register a domain name. Any individual can do it too.

Register Your Domain Name Today!

Importance of a Domain Name

There are a number of good reasons for having a domain name:

  • If you ever change your web host (the actual physical location of your website files), your domain name goes with you. Your regular visitors or customers who knew your web site   will not need to be informed about a change of web address (also known as “URL”), since as far as they are concerned, the site is still at the same place. They can simply type your domain name, as before, and be transparently brought to your new location.
  • If you are a business, a domain name gives you credibility. Few people will be willing to do business with a company that does not have its own domain name.
  • If you get a domain name that describes your company’s business or name, people can remember the name easily and can return to your site without having to consult their documents. In fact, if you get a good name that describes your product or service, you might even get people who were trying their luck by typing “” in their browser.
  • If you want good sponsors (advertisers) for your website, a domain name is usually helpful. It tends to give your website an aura of respectability.

Registration Overview

Getting a domain name involves registering the name you want with an organisation called ICANN through a domain name registrar. For example, if you choose a name like “”, you will have to go to a registrar, pay a registration fee that costs around $10 to $35 for that name. That will give you the right to the name for a year, and you will have to renew it annually for (usually) the same amount per year.

Some web hosts will register it and pay for the name for free (usually only the commercial web hosts), while others will do it for you but you’ll have to foot the registrar fees.

My personal preference is to register the name directly with a domain name registrar rather than through my web host. I’ve heard stories, in the past, of less-than-reputable web hosts that registered the domain under their own name, making them the owner of the domain rather than you (although I don’t know if such web hosts still exist today). Registering direct with a domain name registrar allows me to make sure that I am registered as the owner, the administrative and technical contacts. Being the owner is vital — if someone else places himself as the owner (such as your web host), he can always decide to charge you some exorbitant fee for the use of the name later, and there is little you can do. The various other contacts are less vital, but may still play important roles, depending on your registrar. For example, for some registrars, the administrative contact’s approval is required before a domain name is transferred out of a web host (or at least, it used to be). If he/she cannot be contacted, the technical contact is used.

Domain names disappear extremely fast. Many people claim that all the good domain names are gone. I doubt that, but it is probably true that most good domain names that are descriptive of products and services have been taken. If you want a domain name for your site, I suggest you act now, or face the anguish of having lost that name later. After all, US$10 (more or less) for a year’s ownership of the name is rather cheap when you realize that you’re securing a good name for your website.

Step By Step Instructions

If you want to register a domain name, here’s what you need to do. Please read it all before acting.

  1. Think of a few good domain names that you’d like to use. It won’t do to think of only one. It might already be taken (it probably is).  There’s more to it than meets the eye.
  2. You will need either a credit card or a PayPal account to pay for the domain, so make sure you have this before continuing. This is a requirement of most if not all registrars. It will allow you to claim and get the domain name immediately upon application. This is not an option (unfortunately).
  3. If you already have a web host, obtain from them the names of their primary and secondary name servers. Don’t worry if you don’t understand what these things mean. Just save the information somewhere. The information can usually be obtained from their FAQs or other documentation on their site, usually under a category like “domain name” or “DNS” or “domain name transfer” and the like. If you can’t find it, email them. You’ll need the information to point your domain name to your website after you buy your domain. Having said that, if you don’t have a web host yet, don’t worry. Just read on.If you do not have a web host, you can always allow the registrar to park your domain name at a temporary website specially set up for you. This way you can quickly secure your domain name before it’s too late and still take your time to set up the other aspects of your site. As far as I can tell, most registrars (or probably all) automatically park your domain by default whether you ask them to or not, so if this is your situation, you probably don’t have to do anything special to get it done. If this is the first time you are setting up a website, this paragraph probably applies to you, since you are unlikely to have a web host at this point. In other words, just skip to the next step.
  4. Why choose an Australian domain registration and hosting company over an overseas brand? Your domain name is your online business identity, you need to be able to trust and reach the business within your own time zone, whenever you need them. When it comes to deciding on a domain and hosting provider between a local or international company, you also need to keep in mind a few factors, such as support levels, speed of information, update cycles and search engine optimization.

After You Registered Your Domain Name

If you’re not sure what to do after you register your domain name, please read the below:

How To Make an Awesome Website with WordPress

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