Using the iPhone WordPress App

This tutorial will show you the benefits of using the iPhone WordPress app

iPhone WordPress AppThe iPhone App-Store is home to thousands upon thousands of apps, some of them useful, some of them .. not so useful. One of the most popular and useful however is the WordPress App for iPhone, which will let you write posts, upload photos, edit pages, and manage comments on your blog all in the palm of your hand.

While it’s a quick and easy free download from the App-Store, you do need to make sure your WordPress site is setup correctly to allow iPhone users to login! The following tutorial will guide you through the process and trouble-shooting any issues that may arise. When complete, you’ll be able to update your WordPress via your iPhone, from anywhere on the go

Setting up your WordPress for use with the iPhone WP App

Okay, so you’ve downloaded the WordPress App from the iTunes App-Store on your iPhone. First things first you must make sure WordPress has the correct options enabled to allow the iPhone App to work properly.

First of all, the iPhone App only works with WordPress version 2.7 or higher – so if you need to update your installation get started! You can refer to the WordPress codex for instructions on upgrading or installing the latest version. Recent versions should include an automatic update option from the dashboard. FASTDOT cPanel Hosting customers can use Fantastico Deluxe to install or upgrade to the latest version of WordPress with one simple click!

Now that’s done, theres basically only one setting that the iPhone App requires, to work with WordPress – you must enable XML-RPC

From your WP Dashboard, click on “Settings” and then “Writing” – where you can tick the following option:

iPhone WordPress App

After making sure XML-RPC has been enabled, you’re ready to setup your blog on your iPhone. Run the App and you will see the following screen:

iPhone WordPress App

Step 1) Click “Set up your blog”:

iPhone WordPress App

Step 2) Enter the URL of your WordPress blog, for example – then enter your username and password.
Click Save and the the WP App will verify your login details. Once confirmed you’ll be taken to the App home screen:

iPhone WordPress App

Step 3)
Click on the blog you’ve setup and you’re ready to make posts and manage your blog on the iPhone!

iPhone WordPress App

If you receive an error when adding your blog in Step 2) such as “XML-RPC Service for your blog cannot be found”, but you have XML-RPC enabled:-

First ensure that you’ve typed in the URL of your blog correctly. If it’s correct, you will need to verify that xmlrpc.php is functioning properly. You can locate your RSD meta tag by viewing-source on your blog.

It will look similar to this:

Next, follow the link,, and make sure it resolved to an XML file. Locate the WordPress API item:

Lastly, load that apiLink value into your browser. If everything is setup correctly, you should see this message: “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.”

For further troubleshooting you can visit the WordPress iPhone development area for documentation and FAQ:


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